Ordinary Labors are Solutions to Catastrophes πŸ†

After the attacks on the World Trade Center, Americans β€” and particularly New Yorkers β€” were told that we needed to go about our lives as we normally would to demonstrate to the terrorists that they hadn’t won. β€œFor individuals, the most effective course of action they can take to aid our recovery is to be determined to go ahead with their lives. We can’t let terrorists change the way we live. Otherwise, they will have succeeded. In some ways, the resilience of life in New York City is the ultimate sign of defiance to terrorists.”

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Sometimes, when catastrophes happen, is better to continue with our ordinary labors. Keep doing what it is expected, as a regular day; and reaching a higher help in another way. Lets take, for instance, the example when children are being bullied at school. Even when the kid could still return to the same activities, moms and dads can reach other parents, or teachers. A solution must be found and Church or praying may not be the adequate solution to everything.


Our Children Will Never Know the Innocence We Knew
Sept. 11 changed us.
By CHARLES M. BLOW, September 8, 2021

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